ESIC Hospital, Raipur



RAIPUR (C.G.)- 493221

ESIC Hospital Raipur is a 50 bedded Hospital situated at Rawabhata, Raipur and it will be extended to 100 beds in near future. It was started with OPD facilities from 17th May, 2022.Later, the Pathology Lab has also been started from 01 Mar, 2023.This hospital is assigned to cater Secondary or Speciality medical care to Insured persons and their family members of Raipur Area. At present the hospital is having OPD departments in General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Opthalmology, Surgery, and Dental.



Last updated / Reviewed : 2023-05-17



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  • 1. CPGRAM में लॉग इन करें
  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
  • 4. "Subordinate Department/Office" में क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का चयन करें
  • 5. शिकायत का विवरण दें .


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  • 1. Login into CPGRAM
  • 2. In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known"
  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
